Header Bidding

Made easy

We offer publishers to take back control of their inventory and make more revenues with our customized Header Bidding setup in a small time !

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Our Product

Header Bidding dynamic management

+ faster + flexible

Our Insideall tool makes it easy to reference and manage IDs within different SSPs and generate scripts very fast, hosted on CDN to guarantee reliability, speed and security. We are flexible in the implementation of the desired architecture. Saving time is very important and the integration work is done only once (with our dynamic tag management). You can easily upgrade your configuration (add / remove) SSP on the fly.

Live dashboard of your Header Bidding

+ simple + detailed

Thanks to our tracking platform, you analyze the live performance of your Header Bidding activity by Site, SSP, Formats or Zone. Instantly find out how much you earn for each sites, a particular SSP or a format ! The datas are updated daily via API and processed with our internal tools to obtain accurate and standardized data.

Our process :

Meeting with Technical and Marketing team &

defining objectives

Defining the architecture

and choosing the SSP’s

Creating SSP accounts

implementing our solution

Results monitoring and optimization

constant support on evolutions

Our Results







What our customers think

“Working with insideAll Header Bidding solution is a good way to increase your revenue with constant inventory”


Digital Marketing Director, Paris-Turf Group

Our team

Gabriel Chicoye

Gabriel Chicoye


Gabriel masters the codes of digital advertising. After being a user of advertising solutions, he decided to answer a need which was not addressed to date on the market with the implementation of the header bidding as an unique and complete solution
Alban Clochet

Alban Clochet

Sales / Marketing

Alban takes care of adapting the product based on user feedback and developing our presence with publishers
Jonathan Lipoff

Jonathan Lipoff

Account Manager

Jonathan is the privileged contact of our customers, allowing them to better understand the complex subtleties of their configuration.

Our Partners

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